Kids Clothing Shop Application Design

Stylish clothes on the smart app. Concept and easy to use interface design.

Our Customer

KF Kids Fashion is a conceptual brand retailing kids clothing items providing quality clothing items and lifestyle products for affordable prices. ‘Fast, efficient and value for money!’. They offer clothes for different occasions focusing on the quality of the materials for every kid comfort. KF sell product from their in-house designers and required shop application of online retailing their products on android and iOS.

In the first stage of project Design et. provided customer road maps to research the most intuitive and appropriate app map for the app and initial designs of the layouts. The next step was to prepare visual language cohesive with the brand.

The end product was design files with app map, content, illustrations, optimised icons and custom graphics and well as document guiding future development team.

Customer road map and app content map.

Customer Centred, intuitive navigation design

We have designed a user-centred platform with an online shop feature for KF’s shoppers. The application contains all best form design practices to make customer’s journey from the start to the purchase easy and intuitive.

The design process included:

  • User Experience research on how customers interact with the previous version of the app;
  • Create customer roadmaps and group brainstorming on how to improve user experience when shopping online;
  • Preparation of interactive app mockups;
  • Clients revisions and corrections as well as market research;

Application content design & custom elements.

customer-friendly and standing out visually Application elements

To accompany the process of user research and customer journey, we have developed high-standard graphic elements like icons, buttons and images compliant with the branding as well as rich content.

The visual development process included:

  • User Experience research on how customers interact with the previous version of the website;
  • Creating consistent custom elements like buttons, typeface illustrations and photos;
  • Preparation of interactive application mockups;
  • Clients revisions and corrections as well as market research;
  • Writing a design document with guide for future development team.

Bespoke Design

Our design is based on in depth customer research and customer journey testing.

Shop App

Design is based around the shop feature. We have included item categories, product selection, separate page for each item and check out.​

Custom Visuals

We have provided custom UI Element like icons, buttons, forms and images.

responsive Design

Design is fully responsive and performs well on tablets and mobile devices.


Quick answers to your questions.

Get an idea or a problem your application will answer too. It may be an answer to your business needs like an online store.

Layout the flow and features your application may require to fulfil your business need. Focus on the core features. Everything that’s not essential is only going to confuse your customers and slow down your app creation process.

Put design first and contact Design et to help you with your MVP app design. You can not skip this step or development of your product will take much longer and you may not be satisfied with the effects.

With ready designs our developers are waiting to assist you with writing code, creating developer accounts and integrate analytics.

A plain application prototype with mock-ups made by our company would cost just about $400, for the mockups including all design elements like buttons, icons, graphics and images.

An MVP app with five screens of full design would cost $800+, and that includes because in-depth customer research, solving the main problem and creating customer journey maps for better User Experience.

A design per screen is usually within $50-70 which you need to add to your basic package.

MVP stands for a minimum viable product. It is an application development technique in which a new product or website is developed with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. The final, complete set of features is only designed and developed after considering feedback from the product’s initial users.

Design et provides MVP services together with customer research and problem-solving.

We Create Bespoke Web Solutions

Experienced team, the long list of grateful customers along with innovative and culturally relevant designs is what describes our websites. It’s a work that works!

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